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Dear Participant,

H3ABioNet in collaboration with eLwazi Open Data Science Platform, Human Pangenome Reference Consortium and Roche's African Genomics Program will host a human Pangenome Bring-Your-Own-Data (BYOD) Analysis Workshop in Cape Town, South Africa.

The H3ABioNet Pangenome Project is aimed at building a high quality African human pangenome graph based on genome assemblies generated from PacBio long-read sequencing technologies. We have currently generated long-read sequence data for 27 African samples and have built draft genome graphs using two approaches. While a population specific genome reference graph is not representative of global genetic diversity, they have been shown to be useful in the exploration and identification of population specific genetic variation. In this case, the African pangenome graph will provide insights into the common variation observed in complex regions of the genome, as well as provide a possible reference resource to be used to improve variants called from genomic sequence data in African samples. In addition, we are in the process of building another African pangenome graph  based on high quality near telomere-to-telomere assemblies.

As both these resources are being developed for use by the wider genomics research community, Pangenome Bring-Your-Own-Data (BYOD) Analysis Workshop is aimed at improving knowledge of African researchers in the application and use of pangenome graphs within their own research. The workshop program will be developed around the interests of the successful applicants, however, the main focus areas will be on assisting African researchers with using the pangenome graphs to call genetic variants as well as how to extract and examine regions of interest within the pangenome graph.

The BYOD workshop will take place from the 21st to the 25th of October 2024. Please complete the application form for competitive selection process if you would like to attend.

Thank you!

Tshinakaho Malesa,

on behalf of the organising team

Please read the H3ABioNet training/workshop policy here: 

Disclaimer: Please be aware that by completing this form you consent to your information being stored by the event organisers. Some information may also be shared with 3rd parties for the creation of name badges, etc. Once the event concludes, your information will be de-identified whenever used in any type of reporting. Furthermore, your information will not be shared with any 3rd parties beyond the organisation of this event without your explicit permission. You may also at any time request that your information be removed from all of our databases after the event concludes. To remove your information please contact The Human Research Ethics Committee that has approved the database can be contacted at

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